So it has been quite awhile since I've done the posting thing, but I had an excuse since I was prego and I have my 3 other monsters to chase around. Pregnancy went well, except for one night about 6 weeks early I went into preterm labor. Matt was working but raced me to the hospital and i had dialated to a 4, they hooked me up to IV and gave me some terbutaline to stop contractions and there I stayed. Once the contractions stopped I went home, against doc's orders, but Matt had to work and i had the 3 crazy little uns. I was prescribed "bed rest" which we all know when you have 3 other kids is a crazy joke, but i did try to take it somewhat easy. Little did I know that my sweet angel was either coming that day, or waiting till the very end. At 39 weeks I saw the doctor who said i had made absolutely no more progress and he didn't think the baby would be coming any time soon. So we talked about going in the following week for an induction. I went home and cried to Matthew, each baby stays in longer and my pregnancies seem to go on forever, when my first 2 were more than a month early, that last month sure drags on. The next day after the doc appt was me and Matt's anniversary. For our anniversary Matthew decided to get us a new tree for the front, since our landscaping in the new home is still rather lacking. We waited till after Hunter's nap, then went to the local garden place, my new favorite place since spring started. We picked out the perfect tree and then headed home. We had the van, so Matthew was gonna go back with one of his friends and their pick up truck. When we got home, I had packages waiting for me. I have been ordering all our landscaping plants online and getting them shipped bareroot. Well I had about 30 plants waiting for me. Now by the time I got home I was noticing some contractions, not too much, not too strong and not too frequent, but enough to make me tell Matthew I think you should stay home for a little, just let me get these plants in the ground. After all, bareroot stuff has to get planted right away and if baby did come soon, Matthew would have gone crazy trying to watch 3 kids and plant stuff. He not exactly a gardening man. LOL. So out I went, now the thing about Roosevelt, is its windy in the Spring. I mean rip shingles off of houses and throw trashcans, and swing sets done the street kind of windy. And of course it was one of those windy days. Yet I kept on. Before I got the first 3 planted I noticed my contractions coming real consistent, not painful yet but very steady. But I kept going. About hour later I had gotten all but about 5 planted and the contractions were even closer and every once in a while they were pretty painful. I went inside and told Matthew, you better not go to friends, just in case. I went back outside and tried to get the other plants done and only got 2 more in the ground. By now they were right on top of each other and I was covered in mudd and dirt. So I went inside and showered and tried to lay down and time contractions. They were about 4 min apart, but I couldn't remember if I was supposed to wait till they were 2 min apart or 5 min apart. Now remember, not even 24 hours before I saw the doc and he says I'm nowhere close. So I'm thinking, I really don't wanna go and be sent home. I mean this is my fourth, I don't wanna go unless I'm 100%. So I tell Matt, let's wait another half hour. He told me NO. Now, if you know Matt and me, I'm usually the one that says NO outright, I am the stubborn one, he usually goes with the flow. But today he said, NO I'm calling Melinda to watch the kids, and we are going to the hospital. Now knowing me, I argue, I didn't wanna go and be sent home and he says "who cares." If we get sent home at least we'll know, I'm not delivering this baby here. So we got our neighbor to watch the kids and off we went. We pulled in the hospital pkg lot at 7pm. They sent Matt to check me in and they put me in a room and had me change. About 10 min later, the nurse comes in and hooks me up to monitors and says she's gonna check me. Well, remember I'm thinking they are gonna send me home. So she checks me and says, well, let me have the doctor check you. So I'm thinking, they are going to send me home. SO I start crying and I'm mad at Matthew, I told you we should have waited! 4 kids and I can't even tell I'm in labor! So about 715 the doctor comes in, and checks me. He smiles and I'm rather mad cause I'm thinking he sending me home. And he says, "Kimberly are you ready to have a baby?" I say, "ReallY?" Now I'm excited. So I say, "Gonna have her today? How far am I?" And doc says, "9 plus." I says "9? As in no time for an epidural 9?" He says "No, no epidural." So I say, "Ok, how about a local?" He says, "Kimberly, you don't even have time to down a few motrin. Tell me when you need to push." And he starts putting on his gloves. Well, let me tell ya, as soon as he says that it starts hurting. I mean this whole time, I felt it, but it wasn't bad. But then, at that moment, it hurt. It hurt bad. I didn't scream, I just said "Ow." Over and over and over. He says Kimberly I need you to breathe and not say "ow" that doesn't help. Well it helped me and I didn't wanna breathe! LOL. So about 5 min of this pain and saying ow over and over I feel I gotta push. He tells me, don't push. What in the world you mean don't push? I'm not pushing, she is coming. He says just a second, don't push, they getting instruments ready. Well, any woman in labor knows that when baby is coming, baby is coming. I wasn't pushing but she was coming. So I did yell at the doctor. "I'm not pushing! SHE IS COMING!" So he says, ok, go ahead and push. 1 push and her heads out, 1 more and she's all the way out. Isabella Marie Pratt, born at 7:22pm. 22 min after the hospital. Only about 7 min of pain. And yes I yelled, and was in pain but once she was out, it was like, "That's it?" I imagined something a lot worse! And then, I was figuring my body would be in so much pain and agony, all exhausted and muscles sore. But to be honest, it wasn't that bad. Not gonna say I wasn't sore, but it was really no big deal. After the epidural I remember every muscle in my body hurting, probably from pushing so hard, since I couldn't feel anything. But this time, I didn't have that. I will say tho, that those after contractions sure hurt worse than labor. So I gladly took the motrin and percocet they gave me the first 24 hours, but then there were 8 babies born in 4 hours the next day and me and Isabella were no longer high priority and to be honest I don't think a nurse took my vitals or answered any one of my calls that next day. So not by choice, I delivered with no drugs, and was off pain meds in 24 hours. My labor of love, sweet Isabella Marie Pratt, 6 lbs. 9 oz.